Today is January 21st ,so 21 days in to the new year. Are you still on mark for completing your goals. Do you still have your passion to complete your resolutions. Stay strong and remember one step at a time. When it comes to goals Clarity is power.
I have a bunch of friends who are keeping me going. One needs to tell some one you goals or desires. Then you may find out that they are trying to do exactly what you are. If you haven't wrote them down then DO IT and then post them online, hang them on your mirror, or desk, or front door. No matter how hard or easy they are you need to be reminded of them every day. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results yet, your body knows. It did not get that way overnight, It is a two way street so keep moving. Even if your trying to break a habit, those don't start over night. It takes a minimum of 21 days to even put a dent in them. Keep your chin up !!!
Also I must call some people out. First Dan Johnson, Good job staying focused. you are well on your way to your goal. Keep walking and working out. I can see your weight loss and your new sneakers are rocking. Soon Rebecca will have to put a GPS on you to keep the ladies away. Nick clark and Jenn Lindsay Keep running and posting your videos. I watch every one and I'm sure others watch too. Even though your both athletes keep running because I'm training hard so look out !!!
And finally my wife, Your doing great. For some one who hasn't run since she was 23 maybe... Your totally on target, Just keep it going and I will gladly run by your side for the rest of my life. WELL Just maybe behind you... I"m just sayin
Thanks for the "call out"! I really like the inspiration! Had a little set back over the weekend with an infected blister on my foot landed me in the ER so I have temporarily switched to the bike...but I will return to the walking soon...just gotta give the paws a little time to heal!