Friday, January 1, 2010

First blog post of 2010

Happy New Year, First I must give props to the greatest T.A. Dj. Acai for helping me to start a blog, without you I would feel lost in the 21st century. Now for those who may read this, I'm sorry for misspelling and incorrect grammar. I'm the plumber who barely graduated high school due to creating life and her being born 3 days before my 18th birthday. Thus having to be a real man and growing up way before I felt I was ready. Thanks again Ashley, your an Awesome woman now and daddy will always love you. To my wife of 20 this year, Here's to 20 more I love you. Jeff number 2 keep your chin up and remember the more you learn the more you will earn.

So now onto my goal, This is a new year and lets start it off right. The past is the past, One can and must learn from your mistakes. As we all know knowledge is power, But what you do with it is the key. Grow every day, stretch beyond your limits. A day that one does not learn is waisted. Just learn something new every day, Irregardless of what it is JUST LEARN. Live and think outside your box on this one. There are times to have restraint and be in the box, But it's way more fun being free. I will try to enlighten you with some positive thought provoking blabber. Occasionally facts that I have learned, Helping you with your knowledge. Or possibly just how the day as the plumber was. So just so you out there know I'm serious here is my goals for 2010. Feel free to hold me accountable, I'm quite alright with that, In fact it it challenges me. LIFE IS A FLUSH, And can end any time. Live it to the fullest, I'm just sayin...

2010 goals

1 – COMPETE IN A TRIATHLON, All ready signed up and paid for one September 11th 2010. If that aint a sign It will be in Rancho seica and I will do smaller others to prepare !!!


3- RUN A MARATHON , This one will be scary and hard I’m afraid I can’t stay focused

4-CLIMB TO THE TOP OF HALFDOME, This will be fun, But needs some rules Like starting out before dawn on a full moon day

5-CHANGE AT LEAST ONE MONAVIE RANK , This must be before
my birthday on April 11th 2010 37th

6-START TO WRITE, This can be a blog or book or both BUT write period

7- BODY SHAPE CHANGE, I don’t mean lose weight or anything, Simply tone up. Looking more like Mathew Mcconahey

8- RACE A MAJOR BIKE RACE, That makes number two pretty important !!!

9- LEARN TO SCUBA DIVE, Then next year swim with sharks

10-CONTINUE TO LOVE AND APPRECIATE MY WIFE, 2010 makes it 20 years, so lets make it count. With out you I wouldn’t be alive now, THANKS !!!

This year will be a year of continous change for the better. This will be hard to gauge but if I complete 1 thru 10 on this list I’m sure this year will be an ADVENTURE. Let’s go get the brass ring in 2010

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!!! You made me proud. hahaha!!! Keep up the good work champ! I love you! 143!!! :) <3
