Sunday, May 16, 2010

Broolkyn, Mans best friend

Life is always full of adventures, With many ups and downs. In case you were not aware yesterday May 15Th was Armed forces day. On that day one should remember those who fought or served in the military. I'm sure we all have a family member who may have served and that should be remembered. Whether one actually fights in a war or just stays state side pushing papers it's all important. Remember FREEDOM is not FREE.
So I spent yesterday in East lawn memorial on Folsom blvd and 48Th street. we were having a vendor far and paying tribute to those awesome military. Then i left there and got a tour of the store CO-OP with Craig and Aimee Phaff. Nice health nuts like me. Then we had a barbecue at Rebbecca and Dan Johnson's house. Health food and great conversation. My wife and son were down in Monteray packing my daughter up from her finish of the 1st year of college, Awesome. Wow that flew by fast. So they returned home and called me with bad news. My dog Brooklyn had passed,She waited till we were all gone. In her sleep position, legs stretched out, tail straight, eyes closed. I thought now what ??? Do I have to call someone or do I just dig a grave and bury her in the back yard. I dug and put her down, said a prayer and covered.
But this morning was my Sunday to preach at the senior centers. Not feeling in a very uplifting spirit. How do you speak about the lord when your heart is calling for him, well this is what I wrote and said:
The lord is close to the broken hearted, He rescues those who are crushed in spirit (psalms 34:18)
The unfailing love never ends. by his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfullness, his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, The lord is my inheritence therefore I will hope in him.
The lord is wonderfly good to those who wait for him and seek him. so it's good to wait quietly for salvation from the lord.
For the lord does not abonden anyone forever though he brings grief, He also shows compassion according to the greatest of unfailing love (lamentations 3:22-26 31-32)

Let us pray
Dear LORD,
please help me in this time of loss and overwhelming grief. I dont always understand why life is filled with pain and heartache. But I turn my eyes to you as I seek the strength to trust and be faithfull. I will wait on and not despair. I will wait for your salvation. my heart is heavy and crushed. But I know you will not abandon me forever. please show me your compassion, give me the strength to deal with the pain. I believe this promise in your word to send me fresh mercy each day. In life I can not see past today, I trust my love combined with yours will never fail me...
R.I.P. my friend R.I.P.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Facts and troubles ???

Happy Friday, How's all my peeps doing out there ??? woh woh woh Not all at once, you sound all garbled and excited, LIFE must be great. Haha just having some typing fun. all though sometimes when I type I wish I could know what your all feeling. Would some one start working on that. Any hoot this week was another adventure, as life should be, Right or Right. I spent this week mixing, fixing, and biking. tottaly steped out of my box on mixers, crashed a few which weren't my normal crowd. my truck broke down but thanks to the BIG man blessing me with the skills to fix almost anything it only cost me 50 bucks in parts and materials. Then hit the road on the bike, 22 days till the riding challenge of my life so far. Racing the train in Darango Colorodo, with the pros like Nick clark, Lance armstrong, and George Hincappie. Wow "Jeff the Plumber" riding his yellow bicycle up a montain with those cats and actually trying to win. Again life isn't life if we are not LIVING. So on to my tid bits of facts:

FACT: more than 20,000,000 Hershey kisses are wraped each day, That's 133sq miles of tin foil (tin foil is recylable incase you didn't know)

FACT: If you walk next to someone eventually you will synchronize your steps

FACT: The average temp of a honey bee hive is 94 degrees Farenheit all year round (does any one else love honey ??? MM good, right or right)

FACT: Our sun will never explode, scientists say it's too small to generate enough enrgy to go supernova (that means exploding star peeps, I love science stuff)

FACT: The EARTHS weight is approximately 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg or about 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons (now did they figure this with or without us calcullated in to these numbers)

FACT: "Nintendo" is Japanese for "Leave luck to heaven", And they made playing cards befors video games

FACT: America's favorite color crayon is blue and they have 8-10 different shades of blue (I like yellow, What's your favorite ???)

FACT: Mario from supermario brothers was named jumpman first and they gave him a hat and a mustace so it was easyier to draw, He was also supposed to be a carpenter (But plumbers are way more fun, WAY MORE FUN)

FACT: (since no one guessed this last time) Genophobia is the fear of Sex

FACT: The first U.S. president was not technicaly George Washington it was a guy named John Hanson, He was the`President of congress in 1781 under the articles of confederation (Ok I love history too)

Once again I share my Knowledge with you. I always hope you learn something as I try to do every day. Also it was hard this week since my computer is down and this blog was typed on a laptop, good thing I'm sterile... "Jeff the Plumber" OUT